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About Nevada City Winery
Nevada City Winery Recruits 80 Goats to help Combat Forest Fires
Each year, Nevada City Winery is faced with the issue of owning 1.25 acres of forested hillside that leads down to Deer Creek. This hillside consists of steep terrain overgrown with weeds, brush, and other debris...
Nevada City Winery Wins Big Against Major Industry Players
Nevada City Winery’s Non-Vintage Reserve Barbera earned a platinum medal, a 94-point rating, and the distinction of “Best Barbera” at the 41st Annual San Diego International Wine and Spirits Challenge competition.
Hal's 2022 Thanksgiving Wine Picks
Need help selecting wines to compliment your Thanksgiving dinner? Our winemaker, Hal Hanifl, along with the Nevada City Winery team, have put together a list of the best wines to pair with each course.
From Napa to Nevada City
We are excited to welcome our new winemaker, Hal Hanifl, to the team...
Hallowine at Nevada City Winery
This Halloween was a blast! We worked to create a spooktacular array of games, packages, offers, and experiences for our...
Winter Wonderland in our favorite Downtown
Take a look at the winter wonderland in our very own Nevada City! There were numerous snow storms in the winter of....
Filtering and Bottling at the Winery
This last week, both Winemaker, Mark Foster, and Cellar Master, Bill Jennings, took on the monster task of filtering 3,300 cases of wine consisting of 10 different...
If you’ve ever toured a winery, most likely you’ve gotten a glimpse of the barrel room. Those rows and racks of barrels are an integral part of the wine making...
Just in time for the 58th Annual Nevada City Bicycle Classic.
If you are into bicycling, vintage bicycle posters, the Annual Nevada City Bicycle Classic, or simply love...